What We Believe
What we believe about God
There is but one true God. His essence is spirit. He is invisible. He is living. He is a Person, not an impersonal spirit, force, or cosmic mind. He is not dependent upon anything outside of Himself. God is eternal.
What we believe about the Bible
The Bible, consisting of sixty-six books from Genesis to Revelation, is God's holy, inspired word. The Bible is our final authority in matters of faith and practice.
What we believe about Jesus Christ
He is eternal God. He is the only begotten Son of the Father. He always has been God and He always will be God.
What we believe about the Trinity
There are three eternal distinctions in the One divine essence of the God-head. They are known as the Father, Son, and the Holy Spirit.
What we believe about salvation
We are sinners by nature and by choice. The essence of sin is rebellion against God. His blood became the once-for-all payment for our sin.
What we believe about the Church
The Church is Christ's body on Earth. The Church's responsibility is to serve the Lord with the goal of preaching the gospel to the whole world. She is to minister to others in Jesus' name, in effect, doing whatever Jesus would do if He were still here in the flesh.
First Burleson is a historically Baptist church that values congregational autonomy and Baptist tradition. In light of this, we endorse the 1963 Baptist Faith and Message of the Southern Baptist Convention while reserving the right to worship and govern as the congregation deems fit.
1963 Statements
Our Vision
At First Burleson, we are about two things: Pursuing Christ and Loving People.
We also like to make things very simple. Below is how we connect in the LIFE of the church and grow together. No matter where you are there is a place for you to belong here at First Burleson and make an impact in your life and those around you. Join us as we connect in LIFE.
“... I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” ~ Ephesians 4:1
Discover First
Discover First is the pathway to connection and membership at First Burleson. Our hope is to help you grow in your faith, learn about the values of the church, and make friends with others who are new to First Burleson.